Yes! Its that time again. Time again for our quarterly editorial with Quilts & More. Can I just tell you how much I love this gig?!
This time Camille and I were joined by Jo Morton and her earthy, reproduction style fabrics. Such perfect quilting fabrics for the traditionalist!
The challenge this time around was to use 6 out of 7 fat quarters provided. So I chose our favorite 6 and got to cutting. After a bit of playing with fabric and working with ideas, this is what I came up with.
Go here to see Jo's simple, graphic project for her version of the challenge.
Camille also did something lovely but I will have to wait until she posts about it to steal borrrow an image to show!
I have to share that these are the kinds of fabrics I started working with 10 years ago when I worked on my very first quilt. Can you believe it? It was fun to think back over the progression of my design aesthetic!
I have changed a lot over the years but I know that this is the palette that still appeals to so many of you quilters out there and it was fun to think of you all as I sewed.
As soon as we were done with the challenge, however, we felt the need to make another version, with our upcoming California Girl collection, to see how the design would translate. And translate it did... I think! One of my favorite things ever, is seeing one of my patterns or designs worked out in a completely different color palette and style.
This bag has gotten a lot of use lately as it has become my daughter's favorite school bag. I could barely convince her to go to school without it today so I could snap a few shots. But, you know, we moms have our ways!
For those of you who want to make your own, be sure to go find yourself the latest issue of Quilts & More, gather up 6 fat quarters of your own and get started!
If you are particularly interested in these fabrics [California Girl], the precuts are starting to be available now and the yardage will be out in stores shortly, in March 2012.
Happy Sewing,