moda designers

Fig Tree DESIGNER SELECT SOLID BUNDLE… brought to you by MODA!

If you are new here today, welcome to my little corner of the world wide web! 

I know I have already talked just a wee bit about these this summer but today is a special day in blogland. It is MODA BELLA SOLIDS DAY! If you float around a little today, you might notice that several of us designers are talking about our bundle… all of them are quite yummy, each representing the colors in that designer's signature palette.

Ours is…. well, classic Fig Tree. Not pastel. Not primary. Not totally bright, not totally soft. Somewhere in-between. "Fresh Vintage" is how we have always called it. But this bundle can be best described as plain SHERBET… there is no two ways around it. SHERBETS all of them!


Our BELLA SOLID colors include the following: ivory, butterscotch, cantaloupe, coral, persimmon, light lime, chartreuse, mint, green apple, parchment, fig tree wheat and faded black.

MODA offers them DESIGNER SELECT SOLIDS BUDNLES in these yummy little stacks of fat quarters available at quilt shops worldwide and we also offer them in 1/2 yds. on our site HERE

Fig Tree Sherbets

When it came time to make some quilts with the bundles… well, we went a bit SHERBET crazy and created an entire book full of them. I guess I'm not nothing if not a bit obsessive… wait, did I say that out loud?



Introducing the SHERBETS & CREAMS book.

The book celebrates these lovely little sherbet bundles and all that you can create with them. It has 5 quilts that are all made with the FIG TREE SELECT BUNDLES and a variety of cream/low volume prints for the backgrounds. Each quilt uses either 1-2 of the fat quarter bundles or a single 1/2 yard version bundle, a variety of cream prints [we have cream print bundles too] and sometimes a bit extra of some of the solids for borders, etc. Each pattern in the book specifies exactly what you will need for each one, each one is a bit different.




Here are the quilts in the SHERBETS & CREAMS book. Click HERE for more info…





























...If you scroll back in the blog, you will find that we recently had a quilt along for this RIBBONS quilt. Feel free to jump in even now!








Personally, I am loving every single one of these for the summer. Next up on my personal list… Jelly Squares!

Hope you enjoy a little FIG TREE SHERBET goodness this summer along with me!

Comment and let us know which one of the 5 quilts in the book is your favorite and you will be entered to win a SHERBET BUNDLE GIVEAWAY courtesy of the lovely folks at MODA.

Thanks for following and playing along!

…A Little More Recap

I am literally on my way out the door this morning… If you want to follow along, you can do that on INSTAGRAM as I hope to over gram this adventure from beginning to end.

 But for now I just have a few Market shots to share, mostly because I promised that I would.

I was completely in love with the outfits that MODA made for their booth displays… and of course that chair fabric. 











And of course I am completely obsessed with all things Jen...









And it was so lovely to meet a few of our newest designers and hang out with the ones that were new to MODA but that I already knew and loved….








That Chelsi is a crack up!


Oh and of course my newest obsession…. Erin's new paint by numbers collection…




… totally in love with that combo of her paint-by-numbers print and my little daisy print. Love. Love. Love. Btw… we will be kitting something very similar…. :-).

And I'm off now… hoping to post from parts unknown….

Love ya guys!


Deadlines, Fun Projects & More!

Hello Friends!

I love SO many of the suggestions that you guys sent in for naming the boy turtle on the Fiona pattern but I think I am going to have to go with…. Finn! I love Fiona and Finn and I totally wish that I had thought of us naming the boy before the pattern went to print! Oh well, he will just have to be Finn to us personally even if only Fiona is named on the pattern LOL!

But I do also love the idea of Baby Fergus so I am going to work up a baby turtle as soon as I can. When I do, I will give you guys some info on how to make him if you have the Fiona pattern.

Thanks everyone… that was fun! I think Claudia was the first one to mention Finn and Joni mentioned Fergus and Merrilee mentioned Baby Fergus... so please email me your address info and I will send some goodies in the mail to all three of you.


On the studio front, I have been busily finishing up 7 different deadlines... yes 7…  for 7 different projects and I am almost, almost done!! Can't wait till that moment when every single thing is finished and I can sit down, turn on my favorite TV marathon [ oh I don't know… maybe NCIS or SVU or The Good Wife or something much more vintage like… Remington Steele !!] and do some serious binding. I have serious binding in my very near future!

That and I still have a mountain of Aloha Girl quilts and projects to show you guys before that fabric arrives… and its coming soon! More on that later this week!


One of the projects that I have been having the most fun with over the last couple of weeks has ended up being a study in mixing ALOHA GIRL with SOMERSET [and in some cases a few other favorites like Avalon].

OH MY GOODNESS… if you don't have enough Somerset in your stash, you might want to stock up before Aloha Girl comes out and then stock up again on Aloha Girl… because the color combos that you can get with those two lines together are just good enough to eat! I'm telling you, really, really yummy!




… yummy mix of Aloha Girl and Somerset!



On another topic, Kimberly and the gals over at the Fat Quarter Shop asked me if I would join them in their latest DESIGNER MYSTERY BOM project. Of course I would- I can't remember a time that I didn't join in the fun! Thanks for asking me again!

I know this is one of your annual favorites and this year is just as lovely as always… definitely different but oh so lovely!

I made a block that I absolutely love and I can't wait for you to see it… although I'm not even sure which month I am so I am not sure how long you might have to wait to see it.  But I am sure that all of the blocks are as awesome as the amazing ladies who designed them...

Designers Collage-01

This year the BOM project has been created with Snowmen Gatherings II by the funny and talented Lisa Bongean [on a side note- you would never, and I mean never, believe some of the hysterical things that come out of that woman's mouth]. Just saying. All that and her husband is pretty fun to hang out with too so that's a bonus for Eric and I. Every few months at Market we get to enjoy the pleasure of their company and I am so glad that this year it was Lisa's fabric that we all got to play with!

I especially love her background prints and I often mix them into my cream bundles!.They are fantastic!


For more info about the BOM program, go HERE and see what Kimberly has to share. You know its going to be good!


While you are at it, go and take THIS fun little quiz that Jocelyn from Fat Quarter Shop came up with and find out what "block" you are. Apparently I am the "Row House Quilt" and DIY is my domain.… not sure what that means exactly but I'll take it! Somehow I feel oddly inspired to go do something DIY… just not sure what. Does binding count as DIY?? LOL!

And to finish off this fun blog post, Kimberly and the ladies [and Kevin too I suppose although if Kevin reads this post and gets all the way down here and manages to notice that I am talking about him… well Eric and I will send him something in the mail that he will appreciate just as our way of appreciating him.... the chances are not high :-)] asked us to share about our favorite place in the world that we have visited. 

That's a really, really hard one for me to answer! Its like asking about my favorite quilt of all time… just can't pick one. 

So I will tell you that my favorite place in the whole world to visit is my hometown of Warsaw, Poland.


And if you think that maybe that is kind of cheating just a little, then I would have to say the Cotswalds in the British countryside. There is something about that area that calms and inspires me like no other...




So there you go. I know I cheated on that one. Sorry!

Thanks FQS ladies for another chance to design and play along with you. You guys are the best!



Speaking of Block of the Month programs, we have just had the MODERN BUILDING BLOCKS BOM FIG TREE STYLE program come to an end! We are mailing out the last shipments as we speak. We will post photos and talk about ideas, etc. tomorrow or the next day!

More importantly since we just finished up a program… we are about to start a new one! Yeah!! We are completely addicted to the rhythm of the monthly projects. Stay tuned to hear more about it soon… like by the end of the week soon!


Market Recap... for real

Of course Market was a lovely adventure as always. Eric and I both hate it and love it every single time. Since we do it two times a year and we have been doing this for more than ten years... well, we've done a lot of them and still always love it and hate it?!

It is a crazy amount of work but it is the best time to see friends and colleagues, to showcase our new products and to generally participate in this wonderful industry of ours. Regardless of how much we might whine and complain, we wouldn't have it any other way.

This time around due to a completely crazy schedule over here in Fig Tree land and a huge retail show the weekend before Market, we opted to showcase our goodies in the MODA DESIGNER SHOWCASE area instead of having our own booth. It was an amazing blessing to have so much of the work done for us and to still be able to participate with a mini booth space. Thank you in the biggest possible way MODA... we love you!



So this time we were showing off our newest patterns from our upcoming Spring collection, Mirabelle. Most of these patterns have also been done in our current collection Honeysweet [available in stores now] or other color combos [like the Christmas Carousel option] just so that you can see how versatile the projects are. We will start showing you pattern showcases next.


So for our little corner of the Market universe...


... our space





... the new Star Struck pattern made out of Mirabelle.



... Hugs and Carousel



... a few new specialty products that I will write more about soon. Who could resist Fig Tree colored nail polish? I mean, really.



... Spools Quartet. This is an awesomely simple jelly roll pattern.



... Everyday Zips. See this fun little tutorial that I did with Kimberly for these HERE. These will be up in our shop anyday now. Almost back from the printer...



... Carousel on back wall, Canned Pears on right, Al Fresco on the rack.


See that fun patchwork "F" in the right top corner? That is from a great Schoolhouse event that the MODA designers did. More on that in the spring blog hop. See HERE for the Schoolhouse itself.


And even though I had my phone-  and was learning how to use it on INSTAGRAM [follow me if use INSTAGRAM... although I am still trying to figure it all out] and had my nice camera - and managed to take a few booth shots with it and walk a few aisles with it one morning- I somehow completely ommitted to take any pictures of me, of Eric, or of the dozens of you who came and took pictures of me.

Yes, I feel a bit silly but I don't think I took a single photo of my friends in my booth. I know I took some of Kate in hers and did a little bit of photo bombing in Vanessa's [you really should take a look at this one] but that's all. I guess I will have to focus on that in Pittsburgh! Maybe some of you who took them could send me some? Anyone... Sherri? Angela? Jen? Kate? Karen? Alison? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?  :-)


Talk to you soon.


Fig Tree on the MODA BLOG HOP!


Welcome to Fig Tree everybody and Good Morning!



Today is Fig Tree day on the MODA Blog Hop, SIZE MATTERS. If you haven't been following along yet, click HERE for a list of all the designers who are particating [cool block downloads and giveways at each stop so its definitely worth your time to go and find out what everyone is up to], including all the lovely designers that have gone before us and those that are still to come].

In each designers post, you should be able to find a free downloadable pattern for their block in a variety of sizes. MODA will post a finishing pattern HERE [at the CUTTING TABLE] at the end of the hop so that you can create a wonderful sampler when you are done. Sounds like a whole lot of fun to me!

For those of you you who are new to our little corner of the fabric world, I'm Joanna and I am the go-to-gal behind Fig Tree & Company. I love everything about fabric and design and I can't imagine having any other job in the world! I have been working with MODA for about a decade now [oh my goodness, how can that be?], have created more fabric collections than I can count [see the side of the blog to take a peek at most of them], have created more patterns than should be legal [check out our store if you want to puruse the collection] and have written several books, WITH FABRIC & THREAD being the most recent. I also love to teach about fabric and quilting and this year I have had the honor of teaching in Norway, Spain as well as throughout the US. Just a few weeks ago, we launched my first Craftsy class so that a little bit of Fig Tree can be accessible to anyone interested! Click HERE for more info about that and for a special discount!



There are three of us a day and today I am sharing the day with the talented Malka and the amazing Camille so be sure to pop on over there to see what those lovely ladies have been up to and why SIZE MATTERS to them!



... our upcoming HONEYSWEET group.



Download the instructions to my block HERE.

I don't know what the official name for this block is but "X MARKS THE SPOT"  sounds like a pretty good interpretation to me.


When I first looked at the block [back in the Spring when we started creating all these goodies for Spring Market] and thought about what I was going to do with it, I immediately thought about one of the bigger sizes. I figured it would make the quilt faster and easier to construct and I would be able to showcase the fabric better. Because let's be honest sometimes bigger really is better, especially when it means that you can be done faster!  

So I made the 12" size. And then I joined 4 of them together to create a secondary block...


Then I thought it would be nice to try the next size down and I made the 6" size. And then I made 4 of those together as well, because I was on a roll...

Red blocks

Well, then I realized that lately I have been enjoying making miniature versions of some of my larger favorite blocks [like with our Honeysweet mini Threads pattern that uses HONEYSWEET mini charms, pictured below], so I made the tiny 3" version.


... Honeysweets "Threads" patttern. Made with MODA mini charms.



I decided I liked this 3" one the best and continued on to make 32 more 3" blocks and set it together to create this little table topper....




Keep on reading to see what fun thing we are going to do with this project! 



Lifesaversblog  ... our LIFESAVERS blocks, using a fabulously simple method for making these intricate looking blocks. Also in our CRAFTSY class!


We are busy getting ready for our brand new fall collection to hit store shelves any day now [due to ship to stores in September].

In case you haven't alreay figured it out, it is called HONEYSWEET and I really think it is so perfect for this time of the year, even though it is great for many other seasons and projects as well. It is full of raspberry reds, persimmon oranges, a variety of greens and aquas, on a base of ivory and peach, grounded with a taupey brown. Yum!

Cherriesblog  ... Cherry Pie pattern.

 We have had so much fun with this line and even though I am now busy working with the next collection that we will be showing in Houston this fall [sneak peeks were shown on our facebook recently if you haven't had a chance to see] as well as designing the next one [way too early to show you anything from that one yet], I still haven't grown tired of HONEYSWEET, probably since it has those fabulous oranges and aquas that I am so in love with right now.


Speaking of oranges... we are working on a new kit that has oranges, greys and blacks in it and will be ready soon so be sure you check back for that as those Halloween flavored items seem to dissapear around here faster than we can make them! More info coming soon!

But back to SIZE. We have created some TINY things with this collection...


... our little HEXIES purse pattern made from the yummy HONEYCOMBS. 

And some rather GRAND things....

Cloversblog  ... our CLOVERS & JAM pattern made from just 1 jelly roll  and some background fabric to make a 71" x 71" quilt!

And I truly can't tell you that I have a favorite between the two of them! So I guess the moral of this story is that .... size doesn't really matter at all in the end!



Of course we are doing a giveway- what would a blog hop be without one?! Hopefully you have actually read through the whole post to see what's new instead of just skipping to this part :-).

We are going to givewaway a couple things to a couple lucky winners:

1- A Honeysweet precut.Not sure what this will be yet- it all depends on what MODA can dig up and send on over!

2- The finished little quilt that we showed above made from our 3" blocks. We already have some stores that have entered that particular giveway at Market and now we are going to add in all of you to choose the final winner!

3- A bundle of our newest patterns.

To be entered, you need to LEAVE A COMMENT AND tell us what Fig Tree pattern in our store is your favorite [current favorite at least, since we all know how fickle we can be when it comes to our favorite patterns].

But just as importantly you need to come back next week and see who the winners are so you don't miss out. If we don't hear back from you for 2 days after we announce, we will redraw for that particular prize.

[international winners will need to pay for the additional shipping]

And since we have been wanting to have a sale lately and haven't had a chance, today is the day!  SO WE ARE HAVING A SALE TOO! 15% OFF all patterns in the store... patterns of any kind and any size and any format! Just this week though, so take a look around!

Have fun and we'll see you next week for the end of the hop and the winners!


More MODA Friendship blocks...

The MODA FRIENDSHIP QUILT ALONG continues and we have been printing out and making many of the blocks. CLICK HERE for more info on the quilt along itself.

Hope you have been following too... the blocks are really, really fun to make!


Here are my new 4 blocks that we finished up this afternoon.....





Edyta's block...



Kate's bllock...


Kathy's block...



Lauren & Jessi's block...



As for the GIVEAWAY, we've closed it now and will announce the winners tomorrow so come on back to check it all out then! Thank you for every one who entered and good luck to all of you! I plan on having a late night reading all of your comments!!


OK, going back to make a few more blocks now :-)!

MODA Friendship Quilt Along

Today is my day on the Friendship Quilt Along! Welcome!

Avalonstackspread ... our upcoming collection, AVALON. A fresh, summer feeling collection with beautiful reds, soft greys, buttery yellows, spring greens, all on an ivory background with a wonderful pop of navy blue! Due out in stores next month! We are so excited for this one we can hardly stand it!



For those of you who are new over here, my name is Joanna and this is the home of Fig Tree & Company. We are so glad that you are here to see what we are up to. If you want to follow along our regular "goings on", then subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on our new FACEBOOK page! Click HERE to go to our page or LIKE us from the left sidebar.

Lollipopssmall2 ... one of my favorite brand new patterns, LOLLIPOPS, made up in the AVALON collection with 1 Jelly Roll and some background and border fabric. There are no sewing templates in this pattern. I promise! Its a fantastic method that we have loved for years!



For those of you who are regulars over here but aren't quite sure what this QUILT ALONG is all about, here are some pointers:

• Each day [starting last Monday and going through March 1st], 3 different MODA designers are blogging about the Quilt Along and are sharing their own block with you. You can see the list of designers blogging each day at the end of this post. Each block can be easily downloaded on each designer's blog as a pdf.

• Each designer is also having a MODA fabric giveaway [courtesy of the wonderfully generous MODA mothership] of one of their collections so if you enter at each blog, you will have a great chance of WINNING something. Free blocks and free fabric, is there anything more perfect?!

• All of the blocks finish at 9" and would all work wonderfully in a sampler quilt. The instructiuons are all simple strip pieced and they all the blocks can be made from Fat 1/8's or large scraps so its perfect for your scrap bucket too.The directions for the blocks are all from Fat 1/8's.


• Warning: This could be a bit too much fun. We have gotten a bit addicted in just 3 days time!




Now I have to tell you that I just couldn't get into the Farmer's Wife quilt along [the one that swept the web last year] for a couple of reasons... the blocks were so small and they were all templates. Two things which I really don't love. So personally I enjoyed that one from far away. They were beautiful but I was happy to watch it go by.

This one... however.. is 9" blocks, which are just much more my speed, and no templates.That's right, not a template in site.

When I tell you that you can easily do all 3 of each day's block in that afternoon, I really mean it. Because I have kind of been doing it. Not all of them, but most of them....

This is our block... which I cut and pieced in under an hour, both of them.


It's Block #15 in the Quilt Along. I'm a bit addicted to it and plan on making it in several other color combinations and sprinkling it about my sampler or even making it every other block.... I guess we'll have to see how it goes. The flying geese are quite fun to make when you know yoiu only have to make eight! And it looks good in so many different fabric combos!


Now to visit some of our friends who have shared since Monday, since this is a Friendship Quilt Along after all... 

Here is Barb and Alma's block-


Here is Bonnie's block-

Here is Anne's block-


Here is Basic Grey's block-


Here is Camille's block-


Here are all the blocks we've made so far.... just looking at them is making me a bit giddy right now.






TIP #1: Many of these blocks use the method of sewing a square onto a rectangle, on the diagonal and then trimiming out the excess fabrics underneath. Whenever I use that method [which I love and use often], I trim out only the extra side of the piece on top and not whatever fabric was used for the bottom rectangle. This is because if you leave the bottom piece intact, it acts a foundation of sorts for your block. You cut that piece and it should be exactly the size you want it to be whereas the piece on top has been sewn and is often slightly irregular, coming out a bit shy of the shape or a bit large. The piece on the bottom will always be accurate and will help you with easier piecing as you build your block. The bulk of the extra piece has never been a problem for me or my quilter. The only time you can't use this method is when the piece that is being added on top is white/light and the piece underneath is dark. You must them trim out both pieces.i Try it and see some great results.



Tip #2: On Anne's block we didn't want to fuss with the thin bias tape so we used a 3/8" bias tape maker, made a small piece of bias from the end of the fabric strip, ran it through the maker and affixed it to our triangle with little dots of Roxanne's Glue Baste It. It was quick and easy.

We plan on making many more blocks as more of our friends share them so check back over here throughout the QUILT ALONG to see how they are turning out! We might even make more tomorrow!

Sailawaymain... our SAIL AWAY pattern. All of those boats are made from one Layer Cake. Can you believe it? We love, love this quilt.


As we mentioned above, we are of course having an AVALON GIVEWAY. So leave us a comment about which color or specific print of Avalon you are looking forward to most. To see the entire collection, click on the AVALON button on the right sidebar so you can see all of the fabrics [we've fixed all the collection links so you can click on any of them if you like].

Sailawaymedium2... a styled shot of our SAIL AWAY pattern. Can't you just channel the beach when you look at those boats?

Two lucky winners will be chosen, one for a DESIGNER ROLL and one for a LAYER CAKE. We will also add a third winner for a grouping of all our AVALON patterns and a charm pack!. Be sure to comment to be entered.

Thanks for quilting along with us. Can't wait to see some of your blocks!

Here is the schedule:

FEB 18th

Barbara Brackman

Basic Grey

Barb & Alma- Blackbird Designs

FEB 19th

Bonnie- Cotton Way

Brigitte- Zen Chic

Anne- Bunny Hill

FEB 20th

Camille- Thimbleblossoms

Deb Strain

Eric & Julie Comstock

FEB 21st

Jan Patek

Joanna-Fig Tree & Co.

Jenn Ski

FEB 22nd

Kaari-French General

Lynne-Kansas Troubles

Kate Spain

FEB 25th

Kathy Schmitz

Edyta- Laundry Basket

Lauren & Jessi Jung

FEB 26th

Lisa- Primitive Gatherings

Malka Dubrawsky

Barb & Mary- Me & My Sister

FEB 27th

Laurie & Polly- Minick and Simpson

Pat Sloan

Sandy- Pieces From  My Heart

FEB 28th


Stephanie Ryan

Vanessa- V & Co.

March 1st

The Cutting Table



A LItlle Bit Back

I'm a little bit back today. Very little actually. Still transitioning to the first week back of school for all three of the munchkins not to mention that I am still in a timezone somewhere far, far away and will share more with you very soon. 


For now I have a couple of quick updates today:


1. WE ARE ON FACEBOOK! More about that later, but for now... come and friend us HERE so you don't miss out on anything!


   Boardwalk-Kit-2T   Satchel_Purse_Kit-2T  

2. We started a little "ODDS & ENDS" sale today. Come check it out HERE.




2. MODA DESIGNER BLOG HOP HAS STARTED! Click on the Blog Hop Tour Badge on the left sidebar for more info on the posts that have already happened and stay tuned for our post on Sunday. I promise there will be a giveaway!


I'll be back soon. Even if for just a little bit.

Day #9: The 12 Days of Christmas

Welcome to Day #9 of the 12 Days of Christmas: Fig Tree Style! Each day we will have a different kit, a different sale and even a few giveaways along the way. Join us each day so that you don't miss out on a single thing. We are so excited to share all of our goodies with you!


Day #9



Today is CHALK FULL of good things so read carefully so you don't miss out on any of them.

Not only is today Day #9 of our fabulous 12 Days of Christmas Sale [click here, or here for some of the other days to see the festivities if you have not been following along], today is also our day on the

*** MODA Designer Holiday Blog Hop ***

Each day you can visit a few of the MODA designers to see what block and recipe goodies they have to share. Each designer you visit will have a new sampler block card and a recipe card for you. Print them out on cream colored cardstock [or any other color really, but you know we do everything in cream around here], package them up with some lovely twine or ribbon and you have a fabulous little memento for yourself or for a stocking stuffer for a friend. You will find a PDF link for both cards here below.

Click here for the actual pdf of the below block and recipe card.


You’ll need just (3) 9″ x 22″ pieces of fabric to make this block-  one dark, one medium and one light! 

Make up a quilt using 12 of these blocks and put sashing in-between each block.  You’ll have a quilt that looks great in any fabric combination or use just a few of your favorite blocks and repeat them several times. Collect all the blocks and use them however they suit your fancy!

Here’s the designer list for the week:

December 5th

Minick & Simpson
Bunny Hill
Me & My Sister
Deb Strain

December 6th

Kansas Troubles
Fig Tree
Cosmo Cricket
Lucie Summers
Liz Scott

December 7th:

Cotton Way
French General
Oliver + S
Ellen Luckett Baker

December 8th

Kathy Schmitz Studios
Laundry Basket Quilts

Kate Spain
Primitive Gatherings

December 9th

Basic Grey
Jan Patek
American Jane
Sandy Gervais

Hope you have a chance to visit them all and collect all the goodies along the way!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

So now for the rest of the goodies.

  First up today...

 Red and green bundles on sale just in time for the holidays [and beyond too of course because who doesn't love red and green]?! We just made up a whole new grouping of them to make sure there was enough for anyone who wanted one and their cousin LOL! So if you have been waiting to snatch one of these lovelies, this is it!




More choices available so click here for more info and to see the current red and green bundles available.


Second up today....

 A giveaway in honor of the MODA Blog Hop.

 Leave a comment and tell us what your favorite Christmas song or carol is

and you will be entered to win... 

your choice of 10 of your favorite Fig Tree patterns, along with a giant box of fabric scraps, along with a few other special goodies for a truly wonderful Christmas present for any Fig Tree fan! 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

12 Days of Christmas Special Day #9: 

Red & Green Bundles are 12% off! 

Comment to enter Giveaway!

MODA Country Fair!

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend filled with the outdoors, BBQ, popsicles and friends!
We did a little bit of all of the above and managed to get in some fabulous flea market shopping while we were at it, an overnight teaching trip to Las Vegas for me, some Cafe Rio with one of my favorite designer friends, some football and whiffle ball in the street and an impromptu play with original song lyrics and guitar playing, performed by three 6 years olds sitting up in our tree :-)!                                                                 
But I guess all of that will have to be a post for another day.                                                                             
Mostly I am just checking in with you all here to make sure you know what is starting today.....                                                                                                                                                                                                         
It's the
Starting today and continuing for the entire month, all of the MODA designers are banding together to bring you a fantastic Blog Hop of grand proportions! Every designer will have some great questions to answer, some fun projects to share and some yummy giveways to hand out. You won't want to miss a single day, I promise.                                                                                                                                                                       
Now I am sure that when you think of us MODA designers, you think of professional, design artists, working hard to bring you the best work they can all the time.                                                                                                                  
Well... sometimes we are that surely. And sometimes we are, well... I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA AND NO RECOLLECTION of what we are doing and what we are talking about here below.
But this picture just makes me laugh every single time I look at it. Thought I would share it with you. It feels a bit like one of those sitcom outtakes, doesn't it?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Presenting the "real" MODA designers.... LOL!
 Confused designers

Okay, okay... this is the picture that we were trying to take.                                                                                 
So to see these lovely ladies, come back here or to any other MODA designer blog each day, to click on the blog for the next day. And be sure to come join me here on September 15th!                                                 
You can also read more about it all here, at the Moda Cutting Table.                
September 11th Basic Grey 
September 14th Liesl from Oliver + S
September 20th Bonnie from Cotton Way
September 22nd Deb Strain
September 26th Julie from Cosmo Cricket
September 27th Kate Spain

See you soon!


xoxo Joanna