It's Bag Day at Fig Tree!
February 28, 2014
I know most of you are here today to see who won the SPELL IT WITH FABRIC BLOG HOP... so let's get that out of the way first before I start talking to you about bags!
For the winner of the fat 1/8 bundle...
On 2/22 at 1:47 pm, Meredith said:
Thanks Meredith for the awesome comments!
For the winner of the charm pack and bundle of mini charms...
For the winners of the pattern idea contest.... well you will have to get back to me on that one or I will have to get back to you actually! Several of the ideas are actually patterns that we are already working on and there were so many other great ideas out there that I really want to have some time to go through them and see what I can do. It does surely sound like we will have to do some kind of a Fig Tree sampler in the near future!!
Oh... and I had to share one customer's work.... OMG- she really took her SPELL IT WITH FABRIC BLOG ALONG seriously!!
Susan, you're amazing!
Now that that is all taken care of, I wanted to share a few new BAG goodies with you. Our best selling ONE PIECE BAG is available today as a kit. With the exact fabrics as shown on the pattern!
Click HERE for more info.
We also have a few EVERYDAY ZIPS kits in the classic grey and red combination...
And finally we have several of the HEXIES bag kits with the Honeysweet collection as seen on the cover of the pattern. One Honeycomb pack will make up to 5 HEXIE bags! Each kit contains a full Honeycomb pack, gusset fabric and inside snap [button is not included in the kit] as well as the pattern.
Click HERE for more info on any of the above.
And HERE is the link for all of our bag patterns. Special offer this weekend... buy any one of our printed bag patterns [kits and pdf patterns not included] and we will include another bag pattern in your order FOR FREE! Can't beat that.
Now I know that some people have been having a little bit of trouble figuring out how all those hexagons fit together to make the bag so as soon as I have my next fabric collection done [in the next 2 days], I will do a tutorial on the blog about how to put these little guys together. So be ready with your pattern and we will work through it together. Check back in with me before the end of the week... and then pester me if I haven't posted it yet :-)!