Aloha Girl


edit: All links are good to go now. So sorry for the technical issues this morning!


So I was wondering what you would say if I were to ask you what is the most common question I get, what do you think it would it be?

There are always questions about designing fabric, about my color palette, about how I learned to do what I do. Then there are questions about my studio and how I organize my fabric and how I design patterns and how I decorate.

But easily the most common questions or confusion I get from my students regarding quilting is about angles. Hands down. There is something about working with bias and angles that either scares the "bijeebies" out of us or we have never really learned how to work with them in the first place. The result is that we make so many mistakes right off the bat that we give up and declare... "I can't do angles" or " I can't work with bias" or "that is just way to hard for me, there's just no way!"


Well as I started thinking about what I wanted to do for my second CRAFTSY class, it was not hard to decide that I wanted to focus on angles and answer all those angle questions on camera where all of you could look at it again and again until you feel confident enough to do it yourself. And the idea for this class was born.

In the class, I start with some angle basics and a fairly straightforward quilt and work with the techniques that we learn in the class to build some wonderful designs and quilts.  I address common problems and mistakes and show you variations and different ways of adapting the projects.

I am so excited to share this class with you that I am just a bit giddy. I guess this doesn't just feel like a class to me but like me answering your questions in a way that  I KNOW WILL HELP YOU!


First up... JELLY GIRL













And last but certainly not least, SUNSET STARS







If you would like to make all those quilts and learn all I have to teach about angles... sign up now and.... GET 50% OFF THE CLASS [limited time only].

Click HERE get more info on the class!


... or if you would like to get both classes, here is a special $10 off on my first class too!

Click HERE for Simple Fresh Quilts! 


Happy Easter!



Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter tonite. Hope and pray that your weekend was spent with friends and family and that somehow sewing or creativity was involved!


Appreciate you all so much!

We made up a quick bundle today... just in case someone is dieing for a new infusion of some ALOHA GIRL.... in our shop and homepage....


We have some new and exciting things to share in the next few days... so stay tuned!

Love, The Figs

A Bit Aloha & a Bit Somerset...

As we have been working on a few projects for some yet to be released news, we have had the most fun mixing ALOHA GIRL and SOMERSET. There is something about the combo of those two collections that just make the fabric sing!!  

So we mixed it up a bit in one of our all time favorites classic Fig Tree patterns, Jelly Girl.














… As of this morning we might still have a couple kits left of this project. Click HERE for more info.

Its just making me smile today!


Deadlines, Fun Projects & More!

Hello Friends!

I love SO many of the suggestions that you guys sent in for naming the boy turtle on the Fiona pattern but I think I am going to have to go with…. Finn! I love Fiona and Finn and I totally wish that I had thought of us naming the boy before the pattern went to print! Oh well, he will just have to be Finn to us personally even if only Fiona is named on the pattern LOL!

But I do also love the idea of Baby Fergus so I am going to work up a baby turtle as soon as I can. When I do, I will give you guys some info on how to make him if you have the Fiona pattern.

Thanks everyone… that was fun! I think Claudia was the first one to mention Finn and Joni mentioned Fergus and Merrilee mentioned Baby Fergus... so please email me your address info and I will send some goodies in the mail to all three of you.


On the studio front, I have been busily finishing up 7 different deadlines... yes 7…  for 7 different projects and I am almost, almost done!! Can't wait till that moment when every single thing is finished and I can sit down, turn on my favorite TV marathon [ oh I don't know… maybe NCIS or SVU or The Good Wife or something much more vintage like… Remington Steele !!] and do some serious binding. I have serious binding in my very near future!

That and I still have a mountain of Aloha Girl quilts and projects to show you guys before that fabric arrives… and its coming soon! More on that later this week!


One of the projects that I have been having the most fun with over the last couple of weeks has ended up being a study in mixing ALOHA GIRL with SOMERSET [and in some cases a few other favorites like Avalon].

OH MY GOODNESS… if you don't have enough Somerset in your stash, you might want to stock up before Aloha Girl comes out and then stock up again on Aloha Girl… because the color combos that you can get with those two lines together are just good enough to eat! I'm telling you, really, really yummy!




… yummy mix of Aloha Girl and Somerset!



On another topic, Kimberly and the gals over at the Fat Quarter Shop asked me if I would join them in their latest DESIGNER MYSTERY BOM project. Of course I would- I can't remember a time that I didn't join in the fun! Thanks for asking me again!

I know this is one of your annual favorites and this year is just as lovely as always… definitely different but oh so lovely!

I made a block that I absolutely love and I can't wait for you to see it… although I'm not even sure which month I am so I am not sure how long you might have to wait to see it.  But I am sure that all of the blocks are as awesome as the amazing ladies who designed them...

Designers Collage-01

This year the BOM project has been created with Snowmen Gatherings II by the funny and talented Lisa Bongean [on a side note- you would never, and I mean never, believe some of the hysterical things that come out of that woman's mouth]. Just saying. All that and her husband is pretty fun to hang out with too so that's a bonus for Eric and I. Every few months at Market we get to enjoy the pleasure of their company and I am so glad that this year it was Lisa's fabric that we all got to play with!

I especially love her background prints and I often mix them into my cream bundles!.They are fantastic!


For more info about the BOM program, go HERE and see what Kimberly has to share. You know its going to be good!


While you are at it, go and take THIS fun little quiz that Jocelyn from Fat Quarter Shop came up with and find out what "block" you are. Apparently I am the "Row House Quilt" and DIY is my domain.… not sure what that means exactly but I'll take it! Somehow I feel oddly inspired to go do something DIY… just not sure what. Does binding count as DIY?? LOL!

And to finish off this fun blog post, Kimberly and the ladies [and Kevin too I suppose although if Kevin reads this post and gets all the way down here and manages to notice that I am talking about him… well Eric and I will send him something in the mail that he will appreciate just as our way of appreciating him.... the chances are not high :-)] asked us to share about our favorite place in the world that we have visited. 

That's a really, really hard one for me to answer! Its like asking about my favorite quilt of all time… just can't pick one. 

So I will tell you that my favorite place in the whole world to visit is my hometown of Warsaw, Poland.


And if you think that maybe that is kind of cheating just a little, then I would have to say the Cotswalds in the British countryside. There is something about that area that calms and inspires me like no other...




So there you go. I know I cheated on that one. Sorry!

Thanks FQS ladies for another chance to design and play along with you. You guys are the best!



Speaking of Block of the Month programs, we have just had the MODERN BUILDING BLOCKS BOM FIG TREE STYLE program come to an end! We are mailing out the last shipments as we speak. We will post photos and talk about ideas, etc. tomorrow or the next day!

More importantly since we just finished up a program… we are about to start a new one! Yeah!! We are completely addicted to the rhythm of the monthly projects. Stay tuned to hear more about it soon… like by the end of the week soon!


Introducing Fiona...

Today I just wanted to share with you some fun little pics of the new Fiona pattern... or Fionas as the case may be.

Or maybe someone could come up with a good boy name to go with Fiona, for the navy turtle. Ideas anyone? Something cute and Irish and boyish :-)....













And of course my girl helpers today. They declared during the shoot that they wanted to be on the blog. So I told them to wrap themselves in Aloha Girl quilts and I would add them!



Leaving on a Jet Plane...

By the time you read this, I will most likely be deep in the throws of booth setup! I am on my way to Houston Quilt Market and I just wanted to pop in really quick and give you a quick sneak peek....




Introducing ALOHA GIRL.....




We will be posting on INSTAGRAM throughout the show so if you want to see all the happenings, follow us! We are figtreeandco on INSTAGRAM. We will also try to post some facebook or blog updates while we are there but sometimes that doesn't always happen until we get back!






Also if you haven't already heard about our fabulous new Fig Tree Sampler BOM, you might want to click HERE. We are almost completely out of spots!


Talk to you soon!
