Market Prep: Fig Tree in Real Life
April 27, 2015
Good morning MODA friends!
[this is Mr. Fig here taking over for a bit… or for as long as I have before "the designer" figures out what is happening. She is pretty quick that one so not sure if you will see me again after today].
Normally one of these Market prep blog posts would start off with pretty pictures of the upcoming collection… like this.
In this case FARMHOUSE….
... it ships in August/September 2015
Or pretty shots of the new upcoming patterns… like this...
... all patterns will be done in the next 10 days or so!
It would be all about the pretty around here.
Well, that's all very nice to show you guys all the pretty stuff but have you ever wondered what its really like around here the weeks leading up to Market… ITS NOT PRETTY PEOPLE. IT'S JUST NOT PRETTY!
Over the Market years, us husbands have come up with some "REAL" titles for ourselves in those "pre-market" weeks…. Market widows, Market orphans, Test Crash Dummies and we have some more colorful titles too but I might not get to go to Market again if "the designer" saw I had written them here. So we will just stick to these. But anyone…. Nick? Bruce? Michael? Help me out guys, you know exactly what I am talking about! And Pete…. what is your excuse for not dragging your sorry butt to Market yet? That's just not right dude . We need to keep the brotherhood strong!
But I digress… this is supposed to be about "the designer". Right, sorry.
So I think that its safe to say that they're just not quite in their right minds, those lovely MODA designers in the weeks leading up to the all mighty MARKET. They say they'll be fine. They say that they will do it differently next time. That " next time" it will be more relaxed and they will be ready earlier. Yah, right. Its in that market DNA…. it has done at the last minute and it has to be nuts. Otherwise, you wouldn't think you were prepping for Market.
So as the faithful partner and husband of "the designer", these are the signs that I generally look for to know that my life is about to change drastically for the next few weeks...
More boxes show up on our front door step than normal. Like way more. And they all have that tell tale white and blue tape all over it. Yah, you know which tape it is and you know you are.. you who send all those boxes!
"The Designer" becomes just a little bit too possessive about the new contents of those boxes...
Let's just say that I have come to love the couch on those lovely weeks leading up to Market.
Fairly quickly after that, no one has any clean laundry. Especially the socks. Usually she is all over those socks but not anymore. People around here have to go sock less. For weeks. True story. The horror.
Soon after, we start hearing rumblings of something called "the Market diet". You might think that its "the designer" wanting to eat healthy so she can feel good at Market. Uh, huh. You would be wrong. It might start off as that but it quickly degenerates into something much, much different….
You would think that she might need more than that for weeks….but pretty much no. This is all she needs. Oh, this and her fabric and thread. That's ALL she needs, do you get what I'm saying? Again, me with the couch.
And she had become a bit obsessed with her newest pair of red polka dot glasses. I mean how long can all of us search for that pair on any given day of the week? I keep promising to buy her one of those "old lady chains" if she can't pull it together [please no offense to anyone who wears one of those chains for their reading glasses, I am pretty sure "the designer" will be wearing one soon. Maybe someone could make her a PRETTY one and send it to her?].
And then with that bed all to herself, you would think that she would actually use it. Not so much.
My market experience leads me to believe that she does not leave that studio at all. Again I blame you people with those boxes and that blue and white tape. Seriously?
Its kind of a mess up there in that studio. And yet she seems to be obsessed with being there. As if her job depended on it or something. Oh wait, maybe it does….
And even though this is her full tine personal obsession… sorry, I mean full time job that is putting my children through private school... I on the other hand have to actually leave the business behind most mornings to save the world [not really. I work in city government but it feels nicer to say I'm saving the world. And let's face it, if I want praise in these pre-Market months, I better figure out how to give it to myself. So as far as we're all concerned right now, I leave each day to save the world. Thank you.]
… don't you think it looks like I'm going to save the world? Just saying.
So did I mention that 3 market orphans… I mean children… live here with me and "the designer". They have needs. Or so they tell me in their texts. But mornings do get a little tricky when I am the only one transporting fabric, feeding the children a nutritious breakfast [hey, the side of the frozen waffle box says its nutritious] and making sure they all get out the door to school on time in the morning.
Apparently the market orphans do tend to get a bit cranky if they are fed nothing but frozen waffles for a week at a time. Who knew?
So given the insanity of the pre-market schedule around here, its not like we get out much, except to, you know, save the world. So the gym is kind of out of the question. So we use what we have alot of around here. Yes, those boxes again. And bolts. Lots and lots of bolts. You have to use what you have.
Bench pressing bolts of BELLA IVORY with a munchkin balanced on the top is not only a good work out but a bit more entertaining than the gym anyway. So I can't complain. We like to call it "FEATS OF FABRIC BRAVERY". Maybe I can come up with some new ones?
And since we kind of do everything around here as a family, orphans and all, the brothers couldn't be outdone when they noticed that we were mocking "the designer" just a bit.
Although the middle child couldn't quite use the same bolts since we'd broken all of the other ones...
So I am quite sure that Nick [Mr. Primitive Gatherings himself] could bench not only these bolts but all of my children… I mean market orphans.., at the same time but really could he have a cuter helper sitting on top? I think not. Okay maybe a koala would be cuter.
So that's pretty much what its like around here during the weeks leading up to Market. And yet we do it twice a year. Religiously. For at least 15 years if not more.
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Just saying. We are nothing if not a bit crazy around here at Fig Tree.
Thanks for coming along with me on this "takeover".
No children, bolts or animals were injured during the filming of this blog takeover. "The designer "is fine. Although I thought I heard something about another last minute project. Goodness, really? That 's what we need to be doing right now? Because surely there is nothing we need to do more than make a new purse to match the new collection?
I guess I should go look for her just in case she needs a new supply of diet coke. I love "my designer". I love MODA too. They are our family. White and blue tape and all.
Love, Eric
So I hear that there might be a few other slightly cranky children or neglected domesticated animals over at Pat's, Anne's, Amy's and Nick's.... I mean Lisa's. Follow along all week to see all of our lovely designers "IRL".... in real life :-).
Hahaha!!! This is awesome!! Let's hope the "designer" doesn't take this post down :)
Posted by: Toni | April 27, 2015 at 05:30 AM
I don't know when I have laughed so much when reading a blog and to come into work on a Monday to this...priceless. I for one can't wait until I get my hands on Farmhouse. Another winner.
Posted by: Leota Krantz | April 27, 2015 at 05:36 AM
Hahahaha....that was such a good post! Loved your humour Eric...and I'm sure you're not really exaggerating when you say how busy everything is. We the customer, appreciate all you do for us! Everyone at Fig Tree and Co make our lives so much happier and the world a pretty place. Thanks for all your hard work!!
Posted by: Cathy | April 27, 2015 at 05:38 AM
Super cute and fun blog post! Your children are handsome and gorgeous! Love those dimples!
I so wish I had all those creative juices running though my veins/head so that I don't want to stop for anything. However I do appreciate all your creative juices so that I can be inspired!!!
Thank you! Fun way to wake up and read with my cup of coffee!
Posted by: Michele in IL. | April 27, 2015 at 05:40 AM
Oh my goodness this is HILARIOUS! I love it! Funniest blog post I've read anywhere in ages
Posted by: Corinna | April 27, 2015 at 05:42 AM
To funny! Good job entertaining us while we wait for the release of these gorgeous fabrics, hurry, hurry, hurry!!!
Posted by: Peggy | April 27, 2015 at 05:45 AM
That was adorable.
Posted by: Jenny | April 27, 2015 at 05:45 AM
Loved waking up this morning and reading this. Great pictures and thanks for sharing your "real" selves!
Posted by: Becky | April 27, 2015 at 05:46 AM
What an enjoyable Monday morning read! I LOVED it! Way to go, Eric! You should take over more often. :)
Posted by: Deb | April 27, 2015 at 06:01 AM
Love it! Thanks for the smile this morning. Hang in there! We seriously love "the designer" and all her beautiful creations.
Posted by: Andrea Hickman | April 27, 2015 at 06:06 AM
Eric, you just made my day! What a great start to the week. Hahaha! We love you guys and everything that comes from your company. You are appreciated by all of us, so thank you!!!
Big smile~~~big hugs!
Posted by: Sharon | April 27, 2015 at 06:24 AM
Best post ever! Your family is beautiful, and the new line is amazing! Also, diet cokes and reese cups are my stress diet of choice.
Posted by: Marcia Reel | April 27, 2015 at 06:33 AM!!!
Posted by: Suzy | April 27, 2015 at 06:35 AM
Best blog takeover ever. Keep them coming. And I can't wait for the new Farmhouse to hit the stores.
Posted by: Maureen | April 27, 2015 at 06:40 AM
Eric, what a hilarious blog post ! No wonder Fig Tree Quilts is so and Joanna and your family are awesome!! Thank you!
Posted by: Terri Mc | April 27, 2015 at 06:44 AM
Hysterically laughing over here!!!! You are just too darn funny!!!!! Love the new fabric and I can't wait to get my hands on some! Love those pink glasses too!!!! You and the 'orphans' hang in there - I mean, who needs socks anyway?!? ;O))
Posted by: Tina | April 27, 2015 at 06:53 AM
Love it! Such a wonderful supportive family.
Posted by: Fran Dill | April 27, 2015 at 06:57 AM
Loved this post! Love Fig Tree! Love all the designer's fabrics, patterns, etc. Can't wait to get my hands on some Farmhouse. I might even sleep with my Farmhouse fabric bundle once it arrives. It is dreamy! Thanks Figgy family for the work you put in for your faithful figgy fans.
Posted by: P. Rogers | April 27, 2015 at 06:59 AM
Has "the designer" seen those broken bolts yet? Good thing no fabric was harmed! 😀😂😂😂
Posted by: Mary ann | April 27, 2015 at 07:06 AM
Thanks for the peek at what's really happening! Awesome post! Keep up the good work!!
Posted by: Nancy | April 27, 2015 at 07:10 AM
I would sleep with my fabric if I could!
Posted by: Mary T Salmon | April 27, 2015 at 07:17 AM
Loved the blog post !
Posted by: Libby Blaha | April 27, 2015 at 07:48 AM
Bravo!!! Bravo!!!! Looking forward to Aug-Sept deliveries.
Posted by: Chris Teague | April 27, 2015 at 07:49 AM
Too funny! You should take over the blog more often!
Posted by: Pat H | April 27, 2015 at 07:57 AM
What a fun post! I love the photos too. Thanks for the support the families supply to our favorite designers.
Posted by: Karen Seitz | April 27, 2015 at 08:03 AM
Awesome post! Love all your designers work. Thanks for your fun support!
Posted by: Josie Aune | April 27, 2015 at 08:03 AM
Posted by: CathyK | April 27, 2015 at 08:19 AM
Thanks for sharing -- very amusing!! I'm not sure what the "designer" will think of the fabric bolts and bench pressing!! LOL!
Bravo to you and your family for pulling together and getting "the designer" through the insanity. That's what family is all about.
Posted by: joan | April 27, 2015 at 08:20 AM
I really enjoyed reading this~thanks for posting! And I'm looking forward to this line :)
Posted by: Diana | April 27, 2015 at 08:28 AM
Wonderful blog... I loved all the beautiful pictures and story telling. You did a fab job!
Posted by: Kathy | April 27, 2015 at 08:33 AM
I can't wait for Farmhouse to come out... 💚
Posted by: Kathy | April 27, 2015 at 08:34 AM
Hilarious! And I am so excited for this fabric line!
Posted by: Ginger | April 27, 2015 at 08:42 AM
Great Job! love your perspective and exercising with the kids with Moda-gotta love that. I did notice that at least you and one son had on socks-whether they were clean or not, I won't tell. Bwhwhahhah thanks for the morning laugh. We all love her fabrics and can't say we would be any better. One day I hope to get to market.
Posted by: Chris Mott | April 27, 2015 at 08:53 AM
Eric, thank you for saving the world and taking good care of 'the designer' we all love her;-) And if any of the white and blue taped boxes show up in the future just send them my way (really, now;-)))
Posted by: Hildy | April 27, 2015 at 08:55 AM
This blog post is priceless! I loved it! Thanks so much. "Keep calm and blog on."
Posted by: Susan | April 27, 2015 at 09:00 AM
Oh, my gosh!! Such a screamingly funny post - especially on a Monday - Eric, you're absoltely hilarious!!! So, dying for "Farmhouse" to be out, I can see another hoarding opportunity coming :)
Posted by: Lynn | April 27, 2015 at 09:17 AM
Being new to quilting, I can't help thinking of how much I've missed. Farmhouse gives me hope for what's coming. Thank you designer for making every collection gorgeous. **sigh**
Also I want/have to get in on a Fig Tree & Co. BOM club. I missed out on the latest lovely fabrics and patterns. I didn't know about it until it was GONE! I'm on the email list now. I hear I've already missed out on the Christmas quilt too. Is there a possibility you will make more spots for this quilt?
Thank YOU! Pamela
Posted by: Pamela | April 27, 2015 at 09:21 AM
Posted by: Gwen | April 27, 2015 at 09:31 AM
brilliant blog ,I needed that :)
Posted by: Janet Mccay | April 27, 2015 at 09:37 AM
So glad you have joined us on this crazy adventure!! Welcome! There are no more spots available and a crazy wait list for the Christmas BOM. So sorry. But we will start up another one in the early fall for sure so stay tuned!
Posted by: Joanna | April 27, 2015 at 09:40 AM
OMG, Eric that was just too funny to read and the pictures are just priceless! You were kidding weren't you? Great way to start my monday! Thanks!
Posted by: Penny H | April 27, 2015 at 09:42 AM
Kidding about which part??? Love, Eric.
Posted by: Joanna | April 27, 2015 at 09:49 AM
This was s much needed break in my work day. I laughed so much I forgot I was at work!
Posted by: sonya | April 27, 2015 at 09:52 AM
Loved the posting and can't wait to read all the others. There is nothing like A MODA FAMILY. Just to let you know we know what you, your children and Joanna are going through. We appreciate it more then you could ever imagine. Thank you...Life is Good
Posted by: Mary Andra | April 27, 2015 at 10:05 AM
Great job Eric! Lots of laughs with some truth in between the lines. Even as a Fig Tree customer who loves sewing with the 'designer's' lines (can't wait for Farmhouse!), my husband feels like I've left him at times. Keep on saving the world!
Posted by: Marie Eddins | April 27, 2015 at 10:07 AM
LOL I love this post!! :-)
Posted by: Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts | April 27, 2015 at 10:13 AM
Laughed so hard!!!!! Thanks!!!!
Posted by: Jerri Wedam | April 27, 2015 at 10:27 AM
Hysterically laughing here! We just knew your lovely wife had a great support crew behind her, but with the insanity you allude to, it had to be a SUPER creative bunch! The exercise routine is spot on! So we await the further adventures of her favorite superheroes--Bolt Guy and the Spool Minions (you can come up with something better I KNOW).
Posted by: D | April 27, 2015 at 10:27 AM
Such a fun way to start Monday! I'm giggling myself sick....A really good laugh is worth a small fortune...thanks!
Posted by: [email protected] | April 27, 2015 at 10:30 AM
OMG this was the best post ever!! I'm laughing and crying at the same time!!!
Farmhouse is so beautiful -- can't wait to get my hands on it!!
Posted by: karla brown | April 27, 2015 at 10:44 AM