On the 3rd Day of Christmas...
On the 5th Day of Christmas...

On the 4th Day of Christmas...




On the  4th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me, four Calling Birds .

I am not even sure that I know what Calling Birds are. Do you they call you? Do they call each other? Are they loud? Is there a reason for their calling? So many questions and so few answers.

Instead today we thought we'd bring you a few of our favorite MODA HOME dish towels. I love these things! True confessions... I only get gadgets and goodies for this sale that I would want in my own house and this is definitely the case here. These are too cute! I have one of both!





... could those retro little machines be any cuter?



... dish towel or calendar or both? Who doesn't need to know what day it is while they are cooking!?





... fabulous reproduction flour sacks are my favorite and this one is just perfect for this time of the year. I bought it as a gift and then.... well, I kept it!


... the colors are great and these flour sacks have become my favorite for practical purposes too.


And as the special gift today, we are going to accompany your dish towels with our ROSETTES quilt pattern. It is one of my favorites...



For more info for either towel, CLICK HERE.

See you tomorrow!


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*** Please note that if the 12 Days of Christmas website space is blank, that means that the item for the day has sold out. Nothing is wrong with the site, the item has just been sold out.

• The Fig Tree 12 Days of Christmas sale starts on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and lasts for 12 days.

• Each day a different kit, stocking stuffer or home dec goodie will be advertised. Each day a special offer will be made as well.

• Each special offer will only be available on that day. Each goodie will only be available while stock lasts. Many of the items offered will sell out on that day.

• For those of you who want to continue to purchase items throughout the 12 days of the sale but want us to hold your purchases for one shipment, you need to note that in the comments section of your order. If there is no note, we will ship the items as they are ordered.

• For those of you who have your items held for one shipment at the end, your orders will continue to accrue shipping charges for each order throughout the sale. We will calculate the actual shipping at the end and then refund any necessary shipping charges then. 


Wow, You must have to wait for it with a fast finger, already sold out.

Will the calendar dish towels be available again? So sad to see they have sold out so quickly!

I got the email at 9:20 EST and at 9:22 it was already sold out? Wow, disappointing.

I am disappointed...everything sold out before I even get a chance to order! Hope you can get some more!!

It's 630am and all is gone so disappointed - I collect towels!!!!!! Just can't believe it - Joanna, u are popular!!!!

So stinkin' cute! I didn't even get up late and none there, bummer.

So many cute items but impossible to get. A very popular site.

Ohhhhh..so sad I missed them. Just the cutest.

I was able to buy the 2013 Moda Vintage sewing machine Calendar Towel here: http://webstore.quiltropolis.net/stores_app/browse_item_details.asp?sid=9867810647269867&store_id=835&page_id=23&item_id=4817

I suppose it is difficult to predict the amounts of goodies you may sell...
I suppose I should use a "snipe" feature to score any of your product?...
I suppose I shall no longer partake in your "12 Days of Christmas" for fear of 12 disappointing moments when I find that 2 minutes after your posting you are sold out:-(


We are sorry that some of the products are going to quickly. We really could never have predicted how fast some of these would sell out. We really do wish we could sell one of everything to everyone who wanted one but many of these items are backordered or no longer available from the manufacturer.

We are ordering more of the fabric for the grocery bags and trying to get more pink scissors [2 things that are actually still available for us to purchase].

Have 12 DAYS shopping... we hope!


Holly- we are so sorry for the computer issues this morning. The product hadnt even gone up when you emailed! Glitches beyond our control unfortunately!

Very cute! I'm so sad there are none to be had. :( Thanks again...we know it's not your fault.

The items are really nice but I'm not even getting the e-mail posts until 1-2 days after the fact. This e-mail link for the 4th day of Christmas I received on Wed. 11/28 8:22 EST when it was originally sent out on 11/26 at 10:19 PST. I don't stand a chance, LOL.

I recieved the email today at 0823 and at 0830 I read it and everything is sold out! it has been like this the past few days. Very, very frustrating. I must say this is poor planning.
I have always enjoyed your emails, but not this time.

Yes was on the ite at 5:15AM in Washington and already sold out!

I have to leave you a lighthearted post about the "Calling Birds".

They've been around forever - since way before I was even on the scene and I've been here a long time. So dare I ask do the "Calling Birds" have cell phones? Are they smart phones, androids, flip phones, etc. Maybe one stays at home and uses a landline to call another one. Wait, wait maybe they aren't even keeping up with 21st technology. LOL

I hope I gave you a snicker and giggle during this already hectic holiday season. :-)

So I see that the date says Nov. 27 and I don't even get the email until Nov. 28. No wonder nothing is left by the time I click! Is the 4th day of Christmas on the 27th or 28th? I see many of the comments are dated the 27th. I don't have a fighting chance!

Wow, ... just Wow. Thank you for the opportunity to purchase items. I'm sorry you are getting beat up so much for this. We generally are the nicest group of people, but this time of year appears to get some of us on edge, and throw in some competition and it's like Crips vs Bloods out here. I look forward to the rest of the 12 days. I love your pictures and your posts. Fig Tree is what got me back into quilting and I whole heartedly love it! Period.

Joanna. My heart goes out to you. I love your blog and will always follow it. The 12 days of Christmas is a wonderful idea, I love it. I will look forward to it next year. I have missed all of them, but that is okay, I love just seeing what the "calling birds" (ete.) have to offer. Don't take offense. Even in a perfect world someone would be unhappy. Frustration passes. Joy returns. Merry Christmas to You, wonderful designer, provider of many happy moments, and so very inspiring. Thank you for all you give to me without even knowing me.

Today's post won't go out till after 9:00 am!! Good luck.

The 4th Day was on the 27th in the morning. The newsletter email and Facebook notification went out a few minutes after the post "went live". If you are only on the blog subscription and nothing else, then you are not getting the information for a day since the blog notifications go out a day later. If you want to follow along, sign up for the newsletter on the website or follow us on Facebook. Thank you.

Darlene- Thanks for the comment. We had a good chuckle in the office!

Nothing has gone live for today yet so you are good!

Dani- Blog notifications go out a day late. There will be nothing left a day later. As we've mentioned many times you have to either be on our newsletter list or follow us on Facebook to get the info. Thanks so much.

This is my favorite email yet! Thank you for your light heartedness!


To get the info you have to follow us on Facebook or get our newsletter updates [ you can sign up on our website].

Just love the Milky Way pattern - beautiful. One question: What is the finished size of the quilt?

Re: TypePad: [Fresh Figs] Gwen submitted a comment on On the 4th Day of Christmas...

78 x 78 finished size.

By the way, I love getting up every morning and wondering what is going to appear on your 12 Days of Christmas - it's been fun. I know you've had to endure some criticism, but I have really enjoyed it! Crips vs Bloods - that's hilarious!

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