New Yummies!

Summer's End

I can't even believe that our summer is not so slowly coming to a close. I know its kind of an artificial end and that we could all stay in summer mode for a bit longer but I guess we have to listen to the calendar! And so our SCHEDULED summer is almost over and I don't think I am quite ready.

My tomatoes aren't quite ready yet, either!


In the Kitchen...


This morning our FARM FRESH TO YOU box of goodies arrived as it does every week. Its a wonderful thing and even though we are growing some of our own veggies this summer, the weekly box keeps us stocked with everything we might need. This week the box came at 11:00 and by noon I had sauteed up a few things for a quick staff snack. We all took a break from designing, shipping and cutting to eat some sauteed pattypan squash with onions, garlic and herbs. Yum!




On vacation...

Last weekend we were also able to squeeze in one more long weekend vaca to Monterey. What a beautiful and restful place!

Vacationing with 3 munchkins ages 6 to 13 in one car and one room is not always what its cracked up to be but with some good "divide and conquer parenting" all the interested parties were able to: go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, go window shopping in Carmel, return to the laser and mirror maze place 4 times, eat ALOT of shrimp at Bubba Gump's, do a little back to school shopping for kids and mommy too, eat some yummy French food which included some amazing Sonoma coast wine and a giant bowl of mussels and clams in a garlic and herb wine sauce, watching a couple of in room movies, having French Crepes with strawberries and Nutella, kicking my son's butt at pool, eating Lasagna for the first time in 10 years because we were trying to be like Garfield the cat [that last one will only make sense to you if you read the Garfield comics like my boys do], stopping at the best roadside veggie stand in Castroville, CA [home of the artichoke] I had seen in ages and buying 20 baby artichokes and 10 baby avocados that we are still eating, walking through the Strawberry Festival in Watsonville, CA.... okay I think I will stop for fear of boring you with more food stories. It does sound like we did nothing but eat all day long, doesn't it?




I guess its time for back to school haircuts too, huh? I'm keeping that lazy summer look going as long as I can on them. Unfortunately Ben's school has a haircut code. Bummer.


In the office...

For those of you who have fallen in love with some of our newest bundles, you might want to go take a look here for some new fun ones.



And just because we thought they were irresistible, we added some of these to the site. Isn't that just the cutest twine you have ever seen? 




More soon.

xoxoxo Joanna


The kids look great. Hope the school year is good to all of them. Xo

Oh my, Summer's End?? It's only arriving here in Washington right now! It's been soooo late. My tomatoes are wee little green things still. (Where they exist at all...the rest are all still flowering.) I am already watching the days begin to grow shorter and I feel like yelling out that it's not fair! =)

Up here, we have a service called Full Circle, which is also a farm to table delivery. I love it. We've discovered so many amazing fruits and veggies that I've never tried before. Maybe one day I'll be able to grow enough of my own, but for now, delivery is awesome!

Your kids are super cute! So glad that you guys got away for a bit. Reminds me that I'd like to do the same with my 3 munchkins.

Re: TypePad: [Fresh Figs] Crystal - Hunny Bunnies Handmade submitted a comment on Summers End


Go and vacation while you still can! And eat all the veggies you can while youre at it!


Your food stories aren't boring they just make hungry! And your bundles and twines are too cute I wanna eat them to;-)
Enjoy the rest of the summer,

That twine is to die for. So gorgeous. I am glad that you had such a nice trip.

Besides drooling over the lasagna and mussels and the farm stands, you had me laughing out loud about your stay in Monterey!! Great way to start my morning. I can't believe summer is winding down either - seriously NOT ready for that. Love your fabric bundles!

Oh, how I miss Monterey! We moved to IL 7 years ago from Fresno. Reading about your trip was like deja vu! Such good times! Thanks for the memories.

It was so nice to see our cousins from the north:) Summer is way too short, but the positive thing about summer ending( for me at least) is the arrival of pumpkin pie and fuzzy sweaters.
Next time we visit I will bring you a wonderful creation called "pumpkin noms" --indescribable heaven!


I've never commented before, but since you were curious how to say "seize summer," I thought I'd try to help you out. The Latin for summer is "aestas, -atis, a feminine noun, third (I-Stem) declension. You didn't want to know that, did you!! Since "diem" (day) is in the accusative, I would imagine you'd put "summer" in the accusataive also, which would be "aestatem." So you could say, "Carpe aestatem"--"seize summer!"

I am going over to our congregation's school (a Lutheran classical school) and I'll check to see if "aestatem" is correct with our Latin teacher, super wonderful Pastor Ring. I have gone to his adult Latin class for two years now--we older folks are slow (especially me) and we're only on Chapter 19 starting this fall. Wheelock's Latin has 40 chapters, so there is much to be learned.

I'm just having fun and am increasing my vocabulary and the ability to figure out what words mean since around 40% of English is from Latin. I hope to be able to read the Bible in Latin and some of Cicero, Martial, etc. We translate snippits now from those sources and Latin graffiti in class. The rest of our textbooks will reveal a whole lot more--which means a whole lot more to memorize. Kids have it easier since they don't do housework, pay bills, etc.

I love your musings, pictures and absolutely lovely and warm quilting creations. Your fabric lines are so comforting--I love Buttercup and Strawberry Fields. Projects with those await--never enough time, esp. now with the startup of school. I volunteer and run the Accelerated Reader program and its associated AR Library. Just moved 8-9,000 books to our new Library location. There goes my summer quilting time--and half the rest of YOUR summer just reading this epistle!

It has been so terribly hot in South Alabama this summer and I am ready to start some fall quilting projects. We have had some great veggies!

Sweet pictures! Isn't Monterey just beautiful - love to visit whenever I can get out as I am 30 minutes away! Even though we are regulars at Sea Cliff in Aptos, Monterey is another world! Asilomar Beach has our favorite tide pools and the water is that beautiful turquoise! There is a wonderful french bakery called Parker-Lusseau that is in the old post office that you've got to visit! (That is if you haven't found it already) Our friends from France thought it was just like home!

I'm happy that you got in a last vacation! Now ready, set, go! Here we are on to school and my youngest is off to start high school!
Miss them already....

p.s. love those bundles and can't resist!

Looks like you had a nice vacation. My the children are growing and they are all so beautiful. Our vegetables up here in Ontario Canada are a bit late but by the end of August everything should be ripe. It has been such a hot summer here in Stratford we are looking forward to some cooler weather, our kids don't go back to school till around Sept 10. I am working on the mystery quilt from Fat Quarter shop with your Strawberry Fields (which I love), this will finally be a quilt for me.

Re: TypePad: [Fresh Figs] janan submitted a comment on Summers End

Good point! Usually I cant wait for autumn to come since it is my favorite season but somehow this time I am not quite ready yet!


Re: TypePad: [Fresh Figs] Colette Lee submitted a comment on Summers End


I wish I had known about those places when we were there! Will have to look for them, especially the French Bakery, next time we are there. Thanks for the tips!


Hi, I am just stopping to tell you that I love your different fabric collection's..
If you go to my blogg you can see that I have made a Dresden quilt using my Mill House Inn collection ;-)

So glad that you were able to get away! I have 7 kids, who are all grown up now, and traveling with all of them was rather...... hmmmm.... interesting? ;-) But I wouldn't trade it for the world. I was told time and time again to enjoy them because they grow up way to fast and will soon be gone. I didn't believe it until it happened to me. :-( I still miss them!

Have a great ending to your summer.... love the veggies, Debbie

(BTW I tried the regular Dritz buttons to use with my i-top tool..... much better. Thanks!

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