Here's another swatch that I forgot to show yesterday. I tell you every time a new color comes out just the way I visualized it, I get giddy! I am just loving the MODA Mill right now! Thank you ladies & gents! My new seafoam color is perfect!
A fun giveaway that Holly is having on her blog. I just love those little deer... I don't know how much longer she will have the giveaway going so run over to see the deer and the deer on the pillows too. Too cute!
Now for some of you this will be a "duh" moment since you have been twittering for weekw/months [trying to tell me that I should be doing it too, Lissa].
For many of you it might be a "huh?" moment in that you have never even heard of Twitter and you are thinking that perhaps i have really gone over the edge this time around [which is always a viable possibility :)].
For others of you it might be a "uuh-uuh" moment in that you know all about this Twitter thing but you think its dumb, or unnecessary or simply overkill. After all, why would anyone want to know what I or anyone else except for maybe Barack Obama [who, by the way does twitter] are doing every portion of their day.
So here goes my little Twitter tutorial/plug & some fun Fig Tree incentives:
First here are some things that the press is saying about twitter-
NY Times: It's one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet.
Eric Nuzum, Author of The Dead Travel Fast: If you aren't familiar with Twitter, it is one of those things, like MySpace, that sounds totally ridiculous and stupid when you first hear about it. But once you start using it, you realize how much fun it is.
I really do think it is one of those things like blogging was for me that doesn't make any sense until you start doing it. And then all of a sudden you wonder what you did before you were a part of it all. For most of you blogging or following your favorite blogs has become as natural as any other informational ritual in your life.
Well I think that Twitter is the same. Twitter is a great way to follow the most up to date information from any of your favorite bloggers or designers. And it will only take a few minutes. For me personally, I blog about once a week. But it looks like I will be updating Twitter with multiple short pieces of info several times a day. This could really be fun I think!
Second, you can completely monitor how you receive the updates, how often you receive them and who you follow. You can check your twitter home page once a day or a dozen times a day, depending on your schedule and how often you are on the computer or your phone.
Third, signing up for Twitter is easy and takes about 2 minutes. Click on the "follow me on twitter" sentence at the top right hand side of my blog. You will be asked to enter your email address, a username and a password. That's it! This "registering" will give you access to anyone's twitter account who you choose to "follow".
Fourth, Twitter posts are limited to 160 characters each so you will never have to follow long in depth posts from anyone. These are just quick updates related to the person's job, hobbies or personal life.
For me, my twitter posts will be primarily about fabric, design, cool things or ideas that people have sent me,Fig Tree specials, the latest happenings in my studio, things like that.
And to give you all some incentive and to motivate myself to get into the "groove" of using this service [since I just joined twitter yesterday myself] I will be posting special sales and discounts only on twitter! So your only access to them will be if you are "following" along.
So go to the link up top at the right, register on twitter and start "following" me along with anyone else you might be interested in. Some other friends that are "twittering" that you might want to follow as well include Lissa, Camille, Heather, Brenda, Kimberly. And that's just a start...
The moment I "tweet" [if nothing else, you gotta love the new vocabulary here] a special or a discount code, it will show up on your Twitter Home Page. When you have a chance you can check it and decide if you want to take advantage of the sale discount or not. Each special will only last for that day or even a portion of the day depending on when I twitter about it.
This was Eric's idea [I think he wants to use Twitter for his other non Fig Tree job too and is using me as a guinea pig :-)] and I am making this up as I go along to see how it all works out and what you all think. So let me know what you think by commenting!
Just in case you were wondering, we don't get anything for attracting anyone to Twitter so this is just my way of figuring out if you all like this new "trend" as much as the rest of the world seems to be liking it!
Talk to you soon.
I am lovin' those new fabrics!
Posted by: Melody | April 02, 2009 at 05:10 AM
Okay...I guess I'm jumping on the Twitter bandwagon...and I love the new colorways as well!
Posted by: sherri | April 02, 2009 at 07:48 AM
That's so funny! I was on twitter, and then not because no one I knew was on it, so it was sort of weird...I'm thinking about it...
Posted by: Jackie | April 02, 2009 at 11:20 AM
I didn't see anything on Twitter about your discounts. And, I am still figuring it out. How does the discount work? Do we leave a comment?
Posted by: Sue | April 03, 2009 at 08:15 AM
If you go to my twitter page, you will see all sorts of portions of
conversations that I am having with other designers, etc. A post from
yesterday morning is in their with the discount information. It is too late
now for yesterdays but we will have a new discount for today in about an
hour or so, so check back.
Did you register on twitter? If you did then just press the “follow” but on
my account and then click on your home page and you will get any comment
that I have made.
Posted by: Joanna | April 03, 2009 at 08:46 AM
Hello Joanna, I just wanted to tell you I have become addicted to all of your fabric lines. I treasure them and use them for very special projects. It is difficult to find them in France so I order them quickly from an american quilt store as soon as they come out. For the older ones I buy them from e-bay. I have never done this for any other designer. On your favorite fabric designers using your fabric maybe you can add cyndi walker from stitch studios : jumping jacks. Also on the names chosen for your next fabric line the correct spelling is : crème fraîche, petite fleur or petites fleurs and bon appetit. A bientôt, Patricia
Posted by: Patricia Mezquita | April 03, 2009 at 10:41 PM
Love the new fabric, but I still have some Dandelion Girl to use!!!! How, oh how can I justify buying more fabric....must figure that out.
I am so jealous - Lucy is adorable and beagles are THE BEST pets. I have two - mother and daughter. It has been a trip for the past 15 years - yep, the mother is fifteen this year. They are playful creatures, very loyal and just so darn cute!
I did think it was pretty easy to train our dogs, they both seemed to catch on fairly quickly. Good luck!!!!
Posted by: diana | April 04, 2009 at 06:02 AM
My sister-in-law has been trying to get me on twitter. But between Facebook, Ravelry, Flickr, QuiltGroup and blogging how do you all find time to updated each site?! I'd be spending my whole day on the computer! Maybe each day of the week will have it's assigned site. Twitter on Monday, Facebook on Tuesday, Blog on Wednesday, etc. :D
Posted by: Anita | April 05, 2009 at 07:43 AM