Patisserie has shipped... & it's time for a giveaway!
Giveaway winners...

Thank you for the abundance of choices!

Well, its right around midnight in these here parts and I am heading off to bed so I thought I would let everyone know that with over 500 comments for the giveaway and naming contest I have quite a few lists to make and think about before I can name the winners!  

I have read every single comment and am so overwhelmed by your generous comments and the hundreds of name possibilities for my future and upcoming projects!  You certainly are a creative bunch!  Thank you so much for helping out the process of naming and for playing along.  I don't do these giveaways that often, but you all have certainly made it a lot of fun this time around!

I will name the giveaway winners by tomorrow night, thursday, and contest winners a few days later.

Thanks again to everyone who participated. I appreciate each and every comment and each name possibility. I can't wait to start sorting through the choices.... and maybe having a little Patisserie snack while I am doing it, of the pastry kind of course...

talk to you soon.


Sitting here with my fingers and toes crossed!!! I know it will be hard to choose, so I wish you lots of yummy treats...good luck to all the winners.

Thank you so much for a chance to win one of the wonderful giveaway prizes and the unbelievably huge honor of nameing one of your beautiful fabric collections. I just had to stop in to say thanks and to wish everyone "Good Luck". ' [email protected] '

I think that the abundance of options shows how much everyone loves your fabric and designs!

I love all of your fabrics...but I have to say Patisserie is my all-time's perfect in every way...and there were so many suggestions given for lovely pattern names!

A few folks had asked about how to view all the comments. We only show the first 50 on the first screen. At the bottom of those comments there is a little arrow & if you press it, you will go on to the next screen of comments and so forth.


Glad we could help. You just keep on designing because we love all you do.

I enjoyed reading everyone's posts, looking forward to my lqs receiving your Patisserie line. Ah patisserie and cup a tea sounds real good. What diet?

I'm on pins and needles waiting for the announcement. :) Whatever you choose, it will be fabulous, I'm sure! Good luck, everyone. :)

It is so much fun to read all the comment's! I'd love to sit with everyone with tea and Patisseries while we wait for the winner's to be announced! And watch them all cross fingers and toes! :~) Thanks for the chance to play along in your contest!

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