Tiny Sneak Peek!
A Little Stash of Goodies...

Fabric Updates & a little waiting


Pictured above: When the going gets tough around here, my daughter and I go into the backyard and "make bouquets". 

Now I do have to set the stage for you just a bit... as a family we don't do a lot of work in the garden until after Quilt Market, so whatever is growing or better yet, blooming, back there is either overgrown or has self-seeded from years past. Soooo, our favorite activity includes making bouquets from our overgrown herb plants... a little parsley, mint and oregano accented by the few blooms that we were able to scare up here and there. Those are definitely our version of bouquets.

They smell great and to be honest, I actually really love the "meadowy" green feel of them much more than most traditional flower bouquets from the store. Plus, you can't beat the "picking company". Although she sure does talk a lot. 


On the family front: Our weekend was spent at a T-Ball game, a Baseball game, 3 1/2 play dates, 2 trips to the pool, 2 major room clean ups, a mom's craft night at my house, a neighbor's baptism party, church, a dinner out for sushi, eldest son's friend's birthday party, a little barbequing.. gee, I'm sure I am forgetting something. Oh yes, a much needed glass of my favorite white wine.


On the fabric front: a quilt finished and brought over by Diana my quilter [gotta love that girl], waiting for fabric to arrive, 2 quilts bound, waiting for fabric to arrive,  a photo shoot for 4 quilts and a magazine feature, waiting for fabric to arrive, the finishing of 3 patterns for Market.. yes, you guessed it, checking the tracking number for fabric to arrive. 

As of just a few minutes ago, it looks like its scheduled to arrive tomorrow! If all goes well, it will get here while I have a a studio full of sewers. If all goes well. I have learned to not get my heart set on these things until they actually happen. 

So meanwhile I am working on patterns. And waiting for fabric to arrive. :-)


Talk to you soon.


Your backyard bouquets definitely beat every store bought one! Love it!
And wow, your weekend was dfinitely full of activities - it's a wonder that you even found time to wait for the fabric ;o).
{oooh, htat sneak peek is just yummy!}

Herbs make the best smelling bouquets...I would need a nice white wine after all that business... Hope the fabric comes tomorrow... my biggest hate... waiting for fabric to arrive...a bit like Christmas waiting waiting for santa... LOL...
Hugs Dawn x x x

So you're saying you're stalking the UPS man right?

i fear for the man in the little brown truck! hope you'll be having a little Breakfast at Tiffany's with your sewers today! xxook

Yummy. Sounds like you lead a full and happy life!

Phew! I'm tired just reading about it. Sounds like you had a great time though.

Re: TypePad: [Fresh Figs] Loulee submitted a comment on Fabric Updates a little waiting

I know me too. Somehow it always sounds more tiring after I read it all, AFTER I have done it. In the midst of it, it just kind of happens with 2 little kids.

I hope the fabric arrived Joanna and everyone is sewing up a storm!

Re: TypePad: [Fresh Figs] Mary on Lake Pulaski submitted a comment on Fabric Updates a little waiting

It has, and they are! Halleluiah for fabric and for sewers. Thanks for the wishes!


So the fabric has arrived...yay for you! No more stalking the UPS man!

So glad that you got your delivery..... it's hard when you know something is coming and it doesn't come when you want it too!!! So did you scare the UPS person waiting at the door? Just kidding... just so you know, your not the only blog I've read that is waiting for fabric! LoL... and you "all" are sooo patient! LoL...
Enjoy... Looks like your bouquet picking partner probably had a lot of fun too! Our youngest talks our ears off too.... hmmm, wonder if it has to do with the fact that she is the youngest and is always trying to get a word in!

I'm anxious to see the new line and I hope it's at Sample Spree so I can get my hands on it sooner, rather than later ; -). Sounds like you have your work cut out for you, but I know the booth will be beautiful!

I love breakfast at tiffany's! It is wonderful!

love that dark chocolate. Yummy!

Re: TypePad: [Fresh Figs] kate spain submitted a comment on Fabric Updates a little waiting

The man in the little brown truck is generally afraid of me anyway! His daily trips here are full of adventure. Thanks for the well wishes!


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